01 The Challenge
A lot of creative people work from different places, such as their own homes, coffee shops, and even hotels. When I was working my side projects, I was able to work with some amazing people. One challenge I encountered was coming together to work if we needed to. So, what better way to do this; to come up with an app that creative minds could brainstorm together. This app is made for the Android tablet, iPad and web.

02 Customer Insights
Most creatives have a hard time designing to come up with the best solution to solve a problem So, I have asked a few questions regarding how they work.

03 Customer Mapping
Creating a journey map helps creatives work with other people if they are remote or traveling. I wanted to understand their pain points if they had to work with others and not in the same location.

04 Personas
Creating various personas help me understand what each creatives needs are. This determines the direction for the brainstorming app.

05 Wireframes
The Brainstorming app is to help teams bridge creative ideas together. The main feedback from my inquiries was to have an app that would help teams with whiteboarding sessions and the interaction as if they were in the office while working remotely.

06 Moodboards
Below are the inspirations that helped me come up with a look and feel regarding the app for creatives who work in the industry.

07 The Visuals
Below are the final designs for the Brainstorming app to help connect all creatives, so they can work better together as a team.