The Icon Store

01 The Challenge

The icon store is an app that helps creative to find the right icon for their project. This was a case study I want to see if all creatives did this to help with their design projects.

02 Customer Insights
I inteview various creatives on what method to find icons for their personal or commerical design projects.

03 User Flows & User Stories

Making a user flow/user stories for users I need to make short statements that summarize needs, goals, or necessary functionality for the user. the screens/steps that make up the different paths that users can take to get from point A to point B.

04 Personas

User personas helps me to understand what is needed for the Icon Store. To help creatives to solve their visual problems. This will help me determine what will benefit the user.

05 Wireframes
User personas helps me to understand what is needed for the Icon Store. To help creatives to solve their visual problems. This will help me determine what will benefit the user.

06 Moodboards

Making a moodboard help with the color and tone on how I wanted the app to be display. Creating cool tones to enhance the interface.

07 Vision

Here are the final designs for the The Icon Store for all creatives to complete any design project they have in mind.